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The Smasher O/S Upgrade allows the player to perform overhand melee attacks with increased damage.
Hold attack to perform.

The damage increase varies between weapons, ranging from 33-50%, excluding the Crystal Shard, which receives an increase of over 100% due to a bug.

Damage Table[1][]

Weapon Normal base damage Smasher base damage Base damage increase
Wrench 6 9 +3
Mark IV Laser Rapier 11 15 +4
Crystal Shard 12 27 +15
Cerebro-Energetic Extension 18 24 +6


  • Essential for melee-focused characters, especially when stacked with Lethal Weapon.
  • When planning to get both Lethal Weapon and Smasher, Lethal Weapon should be acquired first. This is because Lethal Weapon increases the damage of the base attack, and has a slightly higher damage bonus.
  • Including the time to prepare a swing, performing a smash attack takes about twice as long as a normal attack. Therefore, using Smasher when in front of an enemy will actually lower your damage output (except when using the Crystal Shard, in which case it's a wash). The overhand attack is mostly useful if prepped before approaching the enemy.
  • There's also a slight drawback that it's harder to aim on a vertical plane rather than a horizontal one. Keep your crosshairs centered on your foe, though, and you should do fine.
  • In some versions of the game, the Laser Rapier's damage seems to be unaffected by Smasher.
  • The Wrench benefits the most from Smasher, recieving a 50% damage bonus. The Crystal Shard has the highest damage bonus by far, because of its bug.

