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For the enemy in the Original Game, see Development Changes (System Shock).

The Security-3-Bot is an enemy encountered in System Shock (Remake) and is a variant of the Security-2-Bot. The enemy was cut in the original game but added back in the remake. Compared to the original game, the remake version has received a number of appearance changes.


The third variant of the Security Bots, the Security-3 Bot is used for combat purposes. Tasked with eliminating and deterring threats.


Note: Section needs rewrite as it uses the Sec-2 Bot info as a placeholder

Tactical Analysis[]

Security-3 robots are one of the most formidable foes in respects of both their armor, and their ability to deliver sustained damage, as such they require your attention at all times and should be dealt with using everything available in the arsenal.

Their main mode of attack is uninterrupted suppressive-fire with their machinegun. The robot will not stop firing so long as you are in it's field of vision and the sheer volume of fire means that even if you have the latest Projectile/Energy Shield module and stamin-up, you're still going to be destroyed in very short order.

Unlike Security-1 robots and Hoppers, the Security-3 bot doesn't immediately stop firing once you take cover, and will continue to suppress you for half a second. It will also continually move towards the player while firing as well, so trying to slow it down by peeking out of cover will not work.

Having EMP grenades is almost a requirement to fight these robots without a head-ache. If in the player's possession, a single EMP grenade followed by three power swings of a laser-rapier is all it takes to defeat the Sec-3 bot.

If EMP grenades aren't an option, then your best bet is going to be high-damage, burst weapons. The assault-rifle, the skorpion or the mag-pulse will require you to stay in visual contact with the Sec-3 robot to keep attacking it, which is bad because that works both ways and the Sec-3 robot has more ammo and more fire-rate than you do. Use the grenade-launcher, ion-rifle overload or railgun, fire once, retreat, reload, repeat.

If fighting multiple enemies at once, one of which is a Sec-2 robot, it is advisable to position yourself in such a way that other enemies are between you and the Sec-3 robot. The high volume of fire of it's machinegun has prime capability for friendly fire.

Overall Strategy[]

The Sec-3 robot is a blundering, loud and relentless mass of steel. It's not particularly fast, but it's presence is an immediate existential threat to everything else the player is doing. So much so that the safest bet when first encountering this enemy is to retreat and then bait it into an ambush. In general, fighting these enemies up front is resource costly, nerve-wracking and rarely worth it.

Sec-3 robots are a perfect justification to use any and all means at your disposal to get rid of. The most efficient way remains an EMP grenade, followed by laser rapier strikes, but using the railgun or plasmagun on these robots is more than perfectly justified.


Parts from the Security 3 Bots are used on cyborgs. The legs, left arm, and possibly the torso are used on Cyborg Warriors.

