System Shock Wiki
System Shock Wiki
System Shock Wiki

The Scrub-Bot is a non-hostile entity encountered in System Shock (Remake). It is new to the remake and is not featured in the original game.


Slow, unarmed, and too simple-minded to be of any use to SHODAN, these robotic janitors were left to clean the floors of Citadel Station even as it fell into chaos. Only a couple of them still survive by the time the Hacker awakes.


A single shot or melee blow from any weapon will dispatch one. They are barely worth the effort to kill as the only loot is usually a couple of junk items worth ~5 scrap at most. The best you can hope for is a single regular battery. Better loot can be found, however only a handful of these robots can be found in the entire game.

Sometimes you will find a human skull in their inventory, a gruesome product of the ongoing violence.

