System Shock Wiki
System Shock Wiki
Replicator Expert

With the Replicator Expert O/S Upgrade, all items in Replicators cost 20% less.


  • Depending on play style, this upgrade may become valuable on the Impossible difficulty level. This is especially so with truly psionically oriented character builds, as Psi Hypos become more available.
  • On Easy/Normal, this upgrade will probably be of very little use as the costs in Replicators are already low enough and shouldn't be a problem.
  • Combined with the Hacking skill, prices can be dropped even more.
  • The price reduction is similar to that provided by hacking, though slightly less than average. This makes it a decent choice for players not planning on getting Hacking to level 3.
    • It should be noted that hacking is also superior in that it unlocks a new item.
  • There are three Replicators that sell Psi Hypos at a price below normally encountered when hacked. On Normal difficulty, they are sold for 40 Nanites, 10 less than the usual hacked price of 50. This is valuable early in the game when your Nanite amount is low.
