System Shock Wiki
System Shock Wiki

Difficulty 2 and 3[]

System Shock − Audio Log
From Bruford Endicott
Subject Power Outages
Date 14.SEP.72
Recipient -
Level Level 2 - Research
Location Within the corpse-ridden room.
  Power outages in Beta quadrant are continuing.  Engineering is at a loss to explain them.  Some project with a high job priority in the computer is re-routing a lot of power, but nobody seems to know what it is.  For the time being, have had Mr. Wong install back-up manual circuit breakers for the level, so at least we can bring the lines back up after surges.

Difficulty 1[]

System Shock − Audio Log
From Bruford Endicott
Subject Power Outages
Date 14.SEP.72
Recipient -
Level Level 2 - Research
Location Within the corpse-ridden room.
There are circuit breakers to deal with the power outages in Beta.


System Shock − Audio Log
From Bruford Endicott
Subject Power Outages
Date 14.SEP.72
Recipient -
Level Level 2 - Research
Location Within the corpse-ridden room.
Still having power outages over on Beta quadrant. Probably the computer with a high priority job, some kind of re-routing, I'll bet. We're installing circuit breakers on Beta, that way we can bring the lines up after surges.