System Shock Wiki
System Shock Wiki
For the item in the Remake, see Multimedia Data Reader (System Shock Remake).

Multimedia Data Reader
Type Hardware Attachment
First Found Level 1 - Hospital (v1)
Destructible No

The Multimedia Data Reader is a hardware attachment found in System Shock.

The attachment operates by sending electronic messages via cyberspace, disks or radio transmissions. This reader receives, stores and prints E-Mail and Audio Log messages for you to read at will.


When you collect or revive new mail, your Data Reader button flashes and beeps. If you ignore it, it will occasionally flash and beep to remind you.

Activate the media reader by pressing the appropriate side icon, or "8". The MFD will display three options within the attachment - E-MAIL, LOG, and DATA. Each option has its own list of files collected displayed in the inventory panel. Select a specific message by left-clicking on it.


Only one version of this attachment exists, and it does not drain energy.


  • Some logs display a profile of the sender when you drop them into an MFD window, while others display a departmental icon. Click on the head or icon to bring up the log text in the Inventory Panel.
