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~ TriOptimum Employee Manual
The Mobile Laser (sometimes called a Med Laser, HOP-3R, or Hopper (Not to be confused with the variant of the same name)) is an enemy encountered in System Shock (Remake) and is a variant of the Hopper. It is new to the remake and is not featured in the original game.
Mobile Lasers are more heavy-duty variants of their more common counterparts. They are used for welding, medical cuts, and combat. One major difference with this variant is that these run on treads whereas the others float.
Tactical Analysis[]
The mobile laser is a heavy, souped up version of a hopper. They take significantly more effort to bring down and are notably more aggressive than their smaller cousins.
As all robots, mobile lasers have an extremely quick reaction time. Attempting to dodge it's fire is a futile exercise. Positioning trumps reaction time when engaging these enemies so be in cover.
Unlike hoppers, the mobile laser can fire and maneuver at the same time, often-times pushing the player's position while suppressing them with laser fire.
Also unlike hoppers, the mobile laser tends to fire it's weapon in wide sweeping motions, meaning that their shots are even harder to avoid in the open than the hoppers' welder.
These enemies are surprisingly well armored, as such attempting to bring them down with melee weapons, the minipistol or sparqbeam is going to be a challenge if the robot isn't stunned by an EMP grenade first.
Their weak spot is the power-box located at the back side of it's tracks, right below the laser arm. Since mobile lasers have a tendency to advance towards the player at all times, hitting that weak spot becomes difficult if not outright impossible when fighting this enemy face to face.
That being said, the mobile laser is weak to ambushes, particularly at point blank range. Jumping out a the robot with a laser rapier and quickly positioning yourself behind it will minimize the amount of damage inflicted to the player while allowing you to strike at their weak spot relentlessly.
Overall Strategy[]
Mobile lasers have a similar relationship with Hoppers as the one between Security 1 and Security 2 bots. They're more aggressive, will constantly attempt to push the player's position, well armored and relentless in their attacks. Consider taking them on with heavier weaponry, such as the Grenade Launcher, Mag Pulse, Assault Rifle or Ion Rifle.
Due to their tendency to apply their laser in wide swinging arcs, mobile lasers are great for friendly-fire if grouped up with other enemies. That being said, they are rarely found alongside other enemies in the first place.
Just like Hoppers, these enemies will occasionally drop some scrap or a battery-pack upon being eliminated, making energy weapons the preferred method of taking these enemies down, albeit the SparqBeam is not recommended as even two back-to-back overcharge shots won't be enough to reliably destroy them.