System Shock Wiki
System Shock Wiki
For the weapon in the Remake, see MK-84 Accelerator Railgun.

MM-76 Accelerator Rail Gun
Weapon Data
First Found Level 6 - Executive
Destructible No
Operation Semi-Automatic
Slow Projectile
Ammunition Rail Gun Clip
Attack Type Projectile
Damage 200
Armor Penetration 35
Offense Value 6

The MM-76 Accelerator Rail Gun is a weapon found in System Shock.


This heavy assault weapon propels a grenade-like projectile that explodes on contact and is capable of penetrating heavy armor.

The Rail Gun is a rather difficult weapon to operate. Player should become familiar with projectile collision detection as explosions from nearby hits damage the Hacker too. On the other hand it has surprisingly high rate of fire that makes it an incredibly powerful weapon in skilled hands.

Ammunition Types[]

RailClip LargeSlag Icon RailGunClip Rail Gun Clip (12) - Heavy armor penetration and fragmentation damage.


  • Most of the weapons' names in System Shock are derived from the initials of the game's makers. In this case, MM stands for Mike Marsicano.
  • The animation frame of this weapon firing is actually not shown in the game itself, even if present in the files. This applies to all versions except the Source Port update, where it can be enabled using "Show All Weapon Frames" Game Option.

