System Shock Wiki
System Shock Wiki
For the weapon in the remake, see MARK III Assault Rifle (System Shock Remake).

MARK III Assault Rifle
Weapon Data
First Found Level 5 - Flight Deck
Destructible No
Operation Semi-Automatic
Ammunition Magnesium-Tips
Attack Type Projectile
Damage 75 per Hit (Magnesium)
160 per Hit (Penetrator)
Armor Penetration 50 (Magnesium)
70 (Penetrator)
Offense Value 4 (Magnesium)
5 (Penetrator)
Range 20

The MARK III Assault Rifle is a weapon found in System Shock.


This full-sized combat rifle in use in the 2070's is based on the 2064 Interlocutor KR-5.

While the MARK III packs an incredible punch (especially with Penetrator rounds) it suffers from sadly undersized magazines, with less rounds apiece than the clips in all three of the sidearms found aboard Citadel Station. Relying on the MARK III as a general-purpose weapon is thus inadvisable, but it does make an excellent tool for picking off the tougher Cyborgs and Robots. In particular because a MARK III with Penetrator rounds is the most powerful projectile-based weapon in the game, only being surpassed by the TS-04 Laser Rapier in terms of damage output[1].

Ammunition Types[]

MagTip Icon MagnesiumTips Magnesium Tips (10) - Caseless, caustic slug that maximizes wound damage.
Penetrators Icon Penetrators Penetrators (8) - High-power rounds that can penetrate 20mm steel armor.

See Also[]


  • Modern assault rifles hold anywhere from 20 to 40 rounds in their magazines and are actually a type of automatic rifle, making the MARK III's low magazine capacity and semi-auto nature a curious design choice: it's technically a carbine.
  • The icon and pickup sprite for the Mark III heavily resembles the Russian Kalashnikov AK rifle without the stock, and with green furniture.

