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Throughout Citadel Station the Hacker can find many assorted Junk Items (also known as Junk or Useless Items). The MFD will display their name followed by the tag "(Junk)" when the player aims their crosshair at them. Useless Items can be vaporized for scrap or sold to a Recycling Station for Tri-Credits.

There are also larger items found on the station that can't be picked up or scrapped.

List of Junk Items[]

List of junk items
Image Item Scrap value Credit value Description
Scrap Scrap 0 10 for 1 credit A lump of recyclable scrap.
EmptyChipBag Empty Chip Bag 1 0 This bag once contained some tasty Crack-O's crisps.
EmptyTriPopCan Empty TriPop Can 1 0 This aluminum can once held a tasty beverage, but is now empty.
FoodBarWrapper Food Bar Wrapper 1 0 This wrapper once contained a tasty and nutritious bar. Food bar wrapper!
CrushedCrack-OsBox Crushed Crack-O's Box 2 0 This box once contained a tasty snack.
HumanSkull Human Skull 0 0 Dental records not found: Identification impossible.
DirtyRags Dirty Rag 1 0 A filthy station rag.
Wipes Wipes 4 1 90% antiseptic alcoholic wipes.
BathPaper Bath Paper 1 0 A roll of toilet paper.
ContactCleaner Contact Cleaner 4 1 An empty can of contact cleaner.
Toothpaste Toothpaste 1 0 A tube of toothpaste.
Toothbrush Toothbrush 5 1 A simple electronic toothbrush.
E-Razor E-Razor 5 1 An electric shaver.
HairDryer Hair Dryer 10 2 A cordless hair dryer.
Comb Comb 1 0 A plastic comb.
HairMousse Hair Mousse 5 1 A bottle of hair mousse.
HairGel Hair Gel 5 1 A bottle of hair gel.
ShavingCream Shaving Cream 5 1 A bottle of shaving cream.
SmallEmesisBasin Small Emesis Basin 2 0 A small bowl with tapered sides used for mixing and containing solutions.
EmesisBasin Emesis Basin 10 2 A kidney dish used in surgical wards to receive soiled dressings and other medical waste.
MedicalTray Medical Tray 10 2 This standard stainless steel medical tray is used for transporting or storing various medical instruments.
MedicineContainer Medicine Container 5 1 This durable polypropylene container is ideal for storing medications or vitamins.
MedicalCansiter Medical Canister 5 1 A stainless steel canister to hold medical supplies.
TubeRack Tube Rack 10 2 This sturdy test tube rack can hold up to five test tubes.
BiowasteBag Biowaste Bag 2 0 This small red bag is used to collect solid hazardous waste. It is empty.
BloodPlasmaBagFull Blood Plasma Bag 2 0 This bag is used to store plasma for transfusions. It is currently full.
BloodPlasmaBagEmpty Blood Plasma Bag 2 0 This bag is used to store plasma for transfusions. It is empty.
Thermometer Thermometer 4 1 This thermometer features a digital LED screen and is made of acrylonrile butadiene styrene to avoid broken glass an injuries.
Syringe Syringe 5 1 This mid-volume syringe is made of borosilicate glass to keep the sensitive liquid contents fresh.
Stethoscope Stethoscope 5 1 This stethoscope can be used to detect abnormalities in biological systems, but is also designed for use on robots.
MedicalScissors Medical Scissors 5 1 A pair of medical scissors used for surgical procedures.
Scalpel Scalpel 2 0 A scalpel used for surgical procedures.
HotPlate Hot Plate 10 2 A hot plate.
Chemical Canister 5 1 A hexagonal canister designed to hold research chemicals.

(This item comes in a few color variants)
SolidGoldAshtray Solid Gold Ashtray 4 2 A solid gold ash tray.
Spork Spork 1 0 A futuristic plastic fork.
GoldKnife Gold Knife 3 1 A knife made of gold.
GoldSpoon Gold Spoon 3 1 A spoon made of gold.
GoldFork Gold Fork 2 1 A fork made of gold.
IceTongs Ice Tongs 2 1 A gold plated ice tongs.
CafeteriaTray Cafeteria Tray 10 2 A plastic cafeteria tray.
SquareBowl Square Bowl 2 0 A practical plastic bowl.
ChinaPlate China Plate 5 1 A porcelain plate.
ChinaBowl China Bowl 5 1 A porcelain bowl.
PersonalDigitalAssistant Personal Digital Assistant 15 3 This handheld device provides computing and data storage for business tasks. Using it for gaming is stickily prohibited.
Laptop Laptop 25 5 A TriOptimum laptop.
PersonalDataIndexer Personal Data Indexer 25 5 A device that contains the contact information of numerous people.
E-Scroll E-Scroll 10 2 A standard e-scroll reader.
GameController Game Controller 5 1 A game controller designed to be used by the Game Brick(tm) console.
VRHeadset VR Headset 30 6 A helmet that brings the user into the world of virtual reality.
Scanner Gun Scanner Gun 15 3 A scan gun used to check codes into the stations inventory management system.
IDTag ID Tag 1 0 This ID tag belongs to: [Name]

(The name featured on this item varies and are based on Kickstarter backers of the "Human Corpse" backer tier)
CrewCap Crew Cap 2 0 Official Citadel Station crew cap.
Marker Marker 1 0 A felt tip ink marker.
Pen Pen 1 0 A fancy pen.
PenStand Pen Stand 3 0 A heavy and elegant pen holder.
SprayPaintCan Spray Paint Can 4 1 An empty can of high visibility spray paint.
Notebook Notebook 4 1 A standard station notebook.
TriOptimumHandbook TriOptimum Handbook 5 1 This handbook goes over both TriOp's company culture and its lucrative past. For example, one entry covers how the company absorbed the Unity States in 2059 with the Hays-Bishop Bill.
Enyclopedia Encyclopedia 4 1 This copy of Encyclopedia Galactica is out of date and has already been supplanted by another tome that contains the sum total of human knowledge. Sadly that book is not available on the station.
Tec-Specs Tec-Specs 3 1 A pair of diagnostic glasses.
EarProtection Ear Protection 4 1 Ear protectors for muffling deafening sounds.
Mallet Mallet 5 1 A sturdy mallet.
NeedleNosePliers Needle Nose Pliers 2 0 A pair of needle nose pliers.
WireStripper Wire Stripper 4 1 Removes insulation from electric wires.
SolderingIron Soldering Iron 5 1 A tool for wiring electronics.
Clamp Clamp 4 1 A portable vice clamps.
ClampMeter Clamp Meter 5 1 A clamp meter used to check voltage in conduits.
Signal-Generator Signal Generator 20 4 Used to check power outputs.
CordlessDrill Cordless Drill 10 2 A solid state battery powered drill.
Welding-Mask Welding Mask 20 4 A mask to protect the users eyes when welding.
Plunger Plunger 10 2 It's a plunger.
FireExtinguisher Fire Extinguisher 10 2 A common fire extinguisher.
WireSpool Wire Spool 5 1 A spool of wire.
FriedIsolinearChipset Fried Isolinear Chipset 0 0 This isolinear chipset no longer functions correctly.
WineBottleRed Wine Bottle 4 1 A bottle of red wine.

(This item is consumable)
WineBottleWhite Wine Bottle 4 1 A bottle of white wine.

(This item is consumable)
Champagne-Bottle Champagne Bottle 5 1 A bottle of French Champagne.

(This item is consumable)
TequilaDecanter Tequila Decanter 5 1 A crystal tequila decanter.

(This item is consumable)
VodkaDecanter Vodka Decanter 5 1 A vodka decanter.

(This item is consumable)
WhiskeyBottle Whiskey Bottle 5 1 A bottle of TriOptimums "Dark Matter" whiskey. "We took our traditional methods into Earth's orbit for 6 months to craft a new favorite, from cask to glass, with a taste thats out of this world. We examined the effects of zero-gravity on our patented process and, in 2068, we made history with first 'space aged' whiskey, with unique aromatic notes and taste only found in the exosphere. Please enjoy responsibly."

(This item is consumable)
WhiskeyDecanter Whiskey Decanter 5 1 A crystal whiskey decanter.

(This item is consumable)
ScotchDecanter Scotch Decanter 5 1 A crystal scotch decanter.

(This item is consumable)
GinDecanter Gin Decanter 5 1 A crystal gin decanter.

(This item is consumable)
RumDecanter Rum Decanter 5 1 A crystal rum decanter.

(This item is consumable)
AmarettoDecanter Amaretto Decanter 5 1 A bottle of TriOptimum Amaretto. "Our Amaretto is lovingly created by the 4th generation of our Italian R&D branch from their facility in Sector 7V, New Saronno. Enjoyed on its own, in a delicious cocktail, or add a little kick to your afternoon coffee. Make your summer a special one! Whichever way you choose to enjoy it, please enjoy responsibly."

(This item is consumable)
AbsintheDecanter Absinthe Decanter 5 1 (This item has no description)

(This item is consumable)
CocktailShaker Cocktail Shaker 5 1 A container used to violently mix together multiple liquids for consumption.
TriOpCarafe TriOp Carafe 4 0 This vacuum-insulated bottle is perfect for storing your coffee or other hot or cold beverage of your choice. It's TriOptimum branded, so you can be assured of its quality.
TriOp-Mug TriOp Mug 2 0 This TriOptimum branded mug is stylish, durable, and has excellent heat retention.
DrinkTumbler Drink Tumbler 5 1 A common drink tumbler with an insulated vacuum sealed interior to keep cold drinks cold and hot drinks hot.
ChampagneFlute Champagne Flute 4 1 A crystal champagne flute.
Whiskey Glass Whiskey Glass 1 0 A high end whiskey glass.
Wine-Glass Wine Glass 1 0 A wine glass.
MartiniGlass Martini Glass 2 0 A high end martini glass.
IceBucket Ice Bucket 15 4 A gold plated ice bucket.
Cigar Box Cigar Box 5 1 A humidor filled with the finest illegal cigars.
Crystal-Skull Crystal Skull 60 12 A crystal skull of unknown origin.
JeweledEgg Jeweled Egg 75 15 A opulent egg bejeweled with various previous gems.
JeweledEggStand Jeweled Egg Stand 30 5 A bronze jeweled egg stand.
TriOptimumAward TriOp Corporate Award 5 1 A company excellence trophy.
GoldPiggyBank Gold Piggy Bank 25 5 A gold piggy bank.
DeskPlaque Desk Plaque 25 5 An executive desk plaque.
PoolCue Pool Cue 10 1 A high quality pool cue.
SolidPoolBall Solid Pool Ball 1 0 A pool ball designed for use at the Executive casino.
PoolBallRack Pool Ball Rack 5 1 A rack for placing pool balls in their starting positions.
DamagedMinipistol Damaged Minipistol 15 3 This Minipistol is broken beyond repair.
DamagedMagnum Damaged Magnum 20 4 This Magnum is broken beyond repair.
DamagedSparqbeamSidearm Damaged Sparqbeam Sidearm 15 3 This Sparqbeam is broken beyond repair.
DamagedMarkIIIAssaultRifle Damaged Mark III Assault Rifle 25 5 This Assault Rifle has auto destructed.

Cut Junk Items[]

List of junk items
Image Item Alternative Name Description Notes
File:Image.jpg Crumpled Paper None A scrunched-up bit of paper. None
File:Image.jpg Empty Soda Can None A Empty 10-oz can of Soda. None
File:Image.jpg A Crushed Soda Can Crushed Soda Can A Firmly Flattened 10-oz can of Soda. Item has different color in both inventory and world
File:Image.jpg Head None A Decapitated Human Head. None
File:Image.jpg Human Arm Dismembered Arm A Dismembered Human Leg. None
File:Image.jpg Human Leg Dismembered Leg A Dismembered Human Arm. None
File:Image.jpg Medical Beaker Glass Beaker A medical-grade glass Beaker. Item has different shape in both inventory and world
File:Image.jpg Empty Medicine Box Empty Box of Medicine A Empty medicine box. None


  • VR Headsets will not have the "(Junk)" tag until after the Hacker picks them up and drops them again.
  • Each ID Tag has unique flavor text showing the name of a TriOptimum employee.
  • Absinthe Decanter is the only item in the game to lack a description.

