System Shock Wiki
System Shock Wiki
For the item in the Remake, see Turbo-Motion Boots.

Jump Jet
Type Hardware Attachments
First Found Level 4 - Storage (v1)
Level G2 - Beta Grove (v2)
Level 7 - Engineering (v3)
Destructible No
Stackable Yes

The Jump Jet is a hardware attachment found in System Shock.

While these boots are activated, repulsor mechanisms provide thrust to make your jumps higher. Earlier versions consume a great deal of energy, but more efficient repulsors are being developed.

In System Shock (Remake) the Jump Jets have been combined with the Turbo Navigation Booster.


To use, press the appropriate Side Icon or "0". Then simply jump.


Version Energy Usage Function
v1 25 JPM Slow, jump-assisted flight.
v2 30 JPM Normal, jump-assisted flight.
v3 35 JPM Fast, jump-assisted flight.
