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For the item in the Original Game, see Isotope X-22.

The Isotope X-22 is a key item in System Shock (Remake). It is found on the Research level and it allows Citadel Station's radiation shields to be turned on when used on the Reactor level.

It can be found in the southernmost quadrant of Level 2, in the westernmost room past a bulkhead that requires a Science Access Card to open.

Dr. Nathan D'Arcy attempted to use Isotope X-22 in a desperate bid to stop SHODAN from firing Citadel Station's mining laser against targets on Earth, but was assassinated by one of her cyborgs before he could do so. SHODAN placed the isotope in a radioactive room and recalled the Station's hazard suits to prevent attempts to retrieve it.

In order to overload the laser with the isotope it must first be placed in the Radiation Shield Generator on Level R (be sure to activate the shield after placing the Isotope, if you do not want to do SHODAN's work for her). Even with the shields protecting Earth, the Laser Override Code must entered in a keypad on that same level or a failsafe will prevent the laser's destruction. These two steps can also be done in reverse. Finally, the laser itself must be fired from the large red control button in the central room in Level 2.

