System Shock Wiki
System Shock Wiki
For the weapon in the Remake, see I.C.E. Drill (System Shock Remake).

I.C.E. Drill Software
Type Software Programs
First Found Level 2 Cyberspace (v1)
Level R Cyberspace (v2)
Level R Cyberspace (v3)
Level 5 Cyberspace (v4)
Level 9 Cyberspace (v8)
Destructible No
Stackable Yes

I.C.E. Drill is a Cyberspace software program in System Shock, designed to cut through the defensive I.C.E. Barriers that sometimes surround limited access software.

For years, hackers considered the I.C.E. protocol impregnable. But that was before the computer piracy gang RazorFinger developed a program that could dissolve the I.C.E. shield like a blowtorch cutting through... well, ice.
