System Shock Wiki
System Shock Wiki
For the explosive in the Remake, see Gas Grenade (System Shock Remake).

Gas Grenade
Weapon Data
First Found Level 1 - Hospital
Destructible Yes
Hit Points 20
Operation Contact Explosion
Attack Type Gas
Damage 150
Armor Penetration 100
Offense Value 3
Blast Radius 4

The Gas Grenade is an explosive weapon found in System Shock.


This grenade releases a gas whose active compound is diuranium oxide. Affecting only biological organisms, including some cyborgs, it instantaneously degenerates organic nervous systems.

This weapon is the counterpart to the EMP Grenade in that it's designed to target organic systems instead of electronic ones. As such, it will wipe out mutants with ease, somewhat affect cyborgs, and do absolutely nothing against wholly robotic enemies. However, unlike the EMP Grenade, it's quite capable of directly injuring or killing the Hacker.

Note that grenades cannot be disarmed once armed by double-clicking in the MFD.
