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For the enemy in the Original Game, see Flier-Bot.

The Flier-Bot (also sometimes known as the Shock Drone) is an enemy encountered in System Shock (Remake). Compared to the original game, the remake version has received a number of appearance changes.


Flier-Bots are flying tri-shaped drones used for combat as well as scouting.


Tactical Analysis[]

The flier bot is a relatively nimble, relatively small airborne target. It attacks the player by launching gas-grenades at them, with decent accuracy.

Their health pool is comparable to Hoppers, having just enough health and armor where attempting to use 9mm Standard ammunition to take these enemies down is inefficient.

They tend to remain at medium to long range to chuck grenades at the player, so it is difficult but not impossible to hit them with either explosives of melee weapons. While the former is not recommended due to high chances of missing and thus wasting explosives, the latter can be reliably done if sneaking up on unsuspecting flier-bots. Having Turbo-Boots V2 helps in this endeavor significantly, making a single power attack with the laser rapier a quick, efficient and cheap way to destroy these foes.

Their grenades serve as area denial weapons as well as a direct damage weapon. Even if dodge the initial impact of the grenade, stay away from the affected area for a few seconds if you can not afford to take damage.

Because the grenades are a projectile rather than hitscan weapon, it's quite possible to dodge them, especially so at long range. Turbo-boots make this endeavor trivial, and a constantly moving player becomes nigh impossible for them to hit.

Overall Strategy[]

These bots are best taken down using mid-game ranged weaponry: the Shotgun, skorpion or minipistol loaded with 9mm Teflon, ion rifle and overcharged SparqBeam are all decent solutions to the flier-bot problem.

These bots have a tendency to drop flechette shells, 9mm ammunition and gas grenades on death, which makes them great for farming said ammo types. Because the bots will not explode on death, whacking them with a laser rapier power attack is a quick and expedient way to get some "free" ammo.

