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Suitable for luxury servitude or simple systems analysis, this semi-intelligent robot with stylish humanoid appearance meets strictest guidelines for general-purpose robots. Originally designed as a bodyguard for executives, the Exec-Bot has built-in armament.
~ TriOptimum Employee Manual
For the enemy in the Original Game, see Exec-Bot.

The Exec-Bot (sometimes referred to as the Executive Security Bot) is an enemy encountered in System Shock (Remake).


The Exec-Bots are robots used for service and security by executives, sporting silver/chrome bodies and female voices.


Tactical Analysis[]

The Executive Robot, Exec-Bot for short, is a mid-tier robot with balanced offense and defense. They're armored enough where they warrant liberal use of 9mm Teflon fed Skorpion, Flechette rounds from the shotgun, Mag-Pulse cartridges or fragmentation grenades, yet not sturdy enough to demand high-end weaponry such as the railgun or plasmagun.

The laser rapier is an excellent solution when encountering Exec-Bots, as a single power-attack delivered to the head will eliminate the robot instantly. Be sure to get the jump on them, which will be made easier if you listen to their constant chatter. You will hear them before you see them in most cases.

Exec bots tend to come in groups, as such be prepared for several hostiles at once if you see one. Lobbing an EMP or Frag grenade at a group of these enemies is a quick and easy solution.

The Exec-Bot's primary attack consists of two twin barreled energy weapons installed in both their arms, which they fire in volleys of three. Similar to the Security-1 Bot, the Exec-Bot will not move and attack at the same time, so peeking in and out of cover will make the robot all but static and prevent them from pushing the player's position.

Overall Strategy[]

Executive bots have a tendency to drop 9mm rounds and flechette ammo, meaning that it's proficient to hunt them down and destroy them with energy weapons to stockpile some "free" ammo. Figure out where the closest energy station is and patrol around, seeking out and destroying these bots for some extra ammunition.

Level 6: Executive has Exec-Bots as the primary reinforcement enemy. The relative ease with which they go down, as well as the aforementioned ammo drops mean that a hoarding player will want to take some time out of their tasking to "farm" munitions from these hostiles.

The high volume of fire they dish out makes them excellent at causing friendly fire incidents.

