System Shock Wiki
System Shock Wiki
For the item in the Remake, see Environmental Protection Pack.

Environmental Protection Suit
Type Hardware Attachments
First Found Level 4 - Storage (v1)
Level 3 - Maintenance (v2)
Level 7 - Engineering (v3)
Destructible No
Stackable Yes

The Environmental Protection Suit (also called Envirosuit, Enviro-Suit, or E-Suit) is a hardware attachment found in System Shock.

It emits an energy field that filters harmful contaminants, protecting the wearer from Environmental Hazards. Ongoing experiments with protective wear have produced a suit that provides both these functions at a low energy cost. In areas without Radiation and Bio-Contamination, this suit uses no energy. Whenever these hazards are present, the suit is a high energy drain.

The early version of the EnviroSuit (dark violet Bio-Suit) protects only against biological contaminants, while two later versions (deep red Radiation Suits) also shield the wearer against Radiation hazards.


Upon obtaining this attachment, it stays active automatically, thus it doesn't have its own MFD button. Unlike in the Remake where it must be activated manually from the MFD, and drains power over time until deactivated.

Due to the tile-based nature of the game engine it can cause the Suit to drain power more quickly than intended if the player runs around rapidly from tile to tile in a "hot" zone, without any indication of the increased drainage/extra power use beyond a quicker decrease of the meter. This extra power usage will not reflect in the suit absorbing any extra contamination, nor the player maintaining a higher post-absorption dose.

This was tested in an extreme scenario, namely constant sprinting around a 100+ LBP area. In actual gameplay this is less of a concern if the player is using a slower, stop-start movement for combat or cautious exploring. However, this can be a danger to speedrunners.


  • The Remake changes the EnviroSuit to an EnviroPack and changes it from automatic/passive to manual/active.


Version Cost* Function
v1 .25 83% biological damage absorbed.
v2 .16/.25 85% biological and 83% radiation damage absorbed.
v3 .11/.16 88% biological and 85% radiation damage absorbed.

Note: Cost reflects how much energy is drained per each LBP unit absorbed by the suit.
