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A force shield absorbs the destructive effects of high-speed projectiles and energy beams.
~ TriOptimum Employee Manual

For the item in the Original Game, see Energy/Projectile Shield.

The Energy/Projectile Shield is a protective energy shield that uses energy to protect the user against attacks and hazards.


Version 1[]

  • On the Research Lab Deck in the Delta Quadrant, enter the small barred hatchway to the west. Lying on a table to the left is the Energy/Projectile Shield V1.
  • On the Reactor Deck in the Central sector, to the west. Descend into the crawl spaces here to find a headless, limbless torso of a human corpse. Search it for the Energy/Projectile Shield V1.
  • On the Flight Deck in the West sector, go to the Control Room to pull all four levers down and make Flight Bay 4 explorable. Head for the room with the Mod-Kit Station with some shelves directly behind it that hold the Energy/Projectile Shield V1.

Version 2[]

  • In the Delta Grove dome of the Executive Deck, head to the east. In the last room here is the Energy/Projectile Shield V2 lying on the counter to the right of the door.
  • On the Third Floor of the Security Deck, to the south-east. Enter the crawlspace and descend the ladder to find the Energy/Projectile Shield V2 lying on the ground in plain sight.

Version 3[]

  • On the Systems Engineering Deck to the south-east of the Core. Lying on top of a table in a small room here is the Energy/Projectile Shield V3.
  • On the First Floor of the Security Deck, to the north-west. Lying on the table here is the Energy/Projectile Shield V3


Version Energy Usage Function
v1 20 JPM Absorbs a minor amount of damage from projectiles and energy beams at the expense of energy.
v2 24 JPM Absorbs an increased amount of damage for proportionally more energy.
v3 30 JPM Absorbs the maximum amount of damage for proportionally more energy.

