System Shock Wiki
System Shock Wiki
For the weapon in the Remake, see Development Changes (System Shock).

Weapon Data
First Found Level R - Reactor
Destructible Yes
Hit Points 20
Operation Timed Explosion
Attack Type Projectile (Energy Beam)
Damage 375
Armor Penetration 50
Offense Value 6
Blast Radius 6

An Earth-Shaker is an explosive weapon found in System Shock.


The rarest and most powerful explosive device available to the Hacker, this device was originally developed to mine moonscapes. It does live up to its name; violently shaking the viewscreen when it detonates. Anything but the hardiest of enemies will instantly be killed if caught in the splash radius.

Like its lesser cousin, the Nitropack, it also has a time delay the player can adjust by dragging the slider in its respective MFD screen. With the slider set to the minimum time delay it can, with great care, be used much like a Fragmentation Grenade, and tossed at the feet of just about any creature for immense damage - if on the other hand the player can get close enough to a target without being noticed, setting the slider to the maximum time delay instead before throwing it as close to them as possible is a good tactic. This will grant the player much more time to take cover.

It should go without saying that the Earth-Shaker's scarcity and inherent danger merit caution in choosing when to deploy them, but one consistently good use is to make a "supermine" to combat Edward Diego. Arm a Land Mine, drop an unarmed Earth-Shaker nearby (along with any other explosives you have a surplus of), and bait him into walking over it. The resulting explosion will either take out a good chunk of his health or deplete it.

