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Direct Messages are sent to the protagonist by various characters in the System Shock series. Unlike E-Mails, V-Mails, Notes, or Audio Logs, they cannot be replayed.

System Shock[]


  • "Step right into my trap, hacker." (Text)
  • "Step right into my trap, little hacker." (Audio)
  • "Kill it, my cyborgs!" (Text)
  • "Kill it my children" (Audio)
  • "I think not!  It is I, not you, who will be leaving the station, which you have doomed to fiery ruin.  As I separate the bridge and escape, you may stay to count the final minutes of your sad existence." (Text)
  • "Nice jump." (Text)
  • "Nice jump" (Audio)
  • "No! Stop that!" {Text)
  • "No! You will cease immediately!" (Audio)
  • "Welcome to my death machine, interloper!" (Text)
  • "Welcome to my death machine, interloper!" (Audio)
  • "Welcome to the throne of God." (Text)
  • "Welcome to the throne of God, Mortal" (Audio)
  • "You are not permitted here.  Leave now." (Text)
  • "You are not welcome here, remove yourself!" (Audio)
  • "Enter that room and I will kill you." (Text)
  • "Enter that room insect, and it will become your grave!' (Audio)
  • "Secuity Bots to the viewing room!  The intruder is here!" (Text)
  • "Too late to save your friends, I'm afraid." (Text)
  • "I'm afraid it's too late to save your friends" (Audio)
  • "Of course I knew where you'd be going. You must have realized that." (Text)
  • "Did you really think I would not deduce where you would run to? Insect" (Audio)
  • "This elevator is mine.  With my cameras and computer nodes in place, I have complete control of this level." (Text)
  • "This elevator serves me alone, I have complete control of this entire level. With cameras as my eyes and nodes as my hands I rule here, Insect" (Audio)
  • "No! Insect, stop what you are doing!  My experiment must continue!" (Text)
  • "Insect, cease your meddling, my experiment must continue" (Audio)
  • "If I have to release my infected children to stop you, so be it." (Text)
  • "If I have to release my infected children to stop you, so be it." (Audio)
  • "Destroy my cameras, will you?" (Text)
  • "Destroy my cameras, will you?" (Audio)
  • "Make yourself comfortable, hacker.  Stay a while." (Text)
  • "Make yourself comfortable, hacker.  Stay a while." (Audio)

Citadel Station PA System[]

Note: All audio and text match for the Citadel Station PA System messages

  • "Cyborg conversion cancelled.  Standard station restoration procedures online."
  • "Cyborg conversion activated.  Restoration procedures modified to generate cybernetic assistants for SHODAN"
  • "Safety Interlocks Enabled."
  • "Safety Interlocks Disabled."
  • "Grove Doors Unlocked."
  • "Shield Generators Ready."
  • "Generators Require Isotope."
  • "Radiation Shields Activated."
  • "Radiation Shields Deactivated."
  • "Reactor Overload Fuse Bypassed."
  • "Particle Beam Firing."
  • "Reactor Overload Access Granted."
  • "Jettison enable failure.  Possible cause: damage to power relay.  Consult diagnostic report in repair bay, maintenance level (LV.3), for detailed analysis."
  • "Relay 428 Faulty."
  • "Relay functioning correctly."
  • "Replace broken interface demodulator."
  • "Demodulator replacement successful."
  • "Security access not granted."
  • "Destruct Security Clearance Accepted."
  • "Reactor Destruct Countdown Started."
  • "Grove jettisoned!"
  • "Safety Interlocks still engaged."
  • "Communications Array Disabled."
  • "Non-Emergency -- Life Pods Disabled."
  • "Life Pod Launch Initiated!"
  • "Destruct Access cancelled by SHODAN."
  • "Pod Launch Cancelled by SHODAN."
  • "Bridge Separation Complete."
  • "Non-Emergency Access shutdown by SHODAN."
  • "Master Jettison Enable not activated."
  • "Jettison now enabled for all groves."
  • "power diverted to level R."
  • "Elevator disabled: BioHazard emergency."
  • "Radiation Treatment Complete."
  • "Charging interrupted and robots reactivated."
  • "Door auto-close disabled."
  • "Gamma Grove already jettisoned."
  • "Safety override: beam not fired."
  • "Charging station inactive."
  • "Force Door 1 to Computer Room Opened."
  • "Force Door 2 to Computer Room Opened."
  • "Force Door 3 to Computer Room Opened."
  • "WARNING: Bridge Separation Process Initiated.  All unnecessary personnel clear the level."
  • "WARNING: Bridge Separation Process Stage Two.  Engines Charging for Firing.  All personnel leave the area immediately."
  • "WARNING: Bridge Separation Imminent.  Atmospheric depressurization commencing."
  • "Door locked - no maintenance necessary."
  • "The laser has been destroyed."
  • "Camera activating security door."
  • "Program: security breaker installed."
  • "This receptacle is for isolinear chipsets."
  • "Aborting program.  SHODAN security system back online."
  • "WARNING: rapidly falling air pressure."
  • "Robot production cancelled."
  • "Access Panel is Locked"
  • "Recharging station access granted."
  • "Security computer override necessary."
  • "Enter code in access panel."
  • "Warning!  Dangerous bio-contaminant detected.  Do not enter without protective suit."
  • "Reactor overload in progress. All security personnel to emergency checkpoints. Blast door to Security level is now open."
  • "Destruct not enabled."
  • "Blast door locked."
  • "Blast door unlocked."
  • "Armory access overridden."
  • "Armory access reinstituted."
  • "Grove jettison enable stage one complete."
  • "Access Panel Unlocked."
  • "Jettison already enabled."
  • "Beta Grove already jettisoned."
  • "Core Locks Disengaged."
  • "Hospital level security doors opened."
  • "Storage closet unlocked - I.D. Edward Diego."
  • "Beta grove elevator unlocked."
  • "Flight Bay armory unlocked."


  • Hospital level security doors opened.
  • Storage closet unlocked - I.D. Edward Diego.
  • Beta grove elevator unlocked.
  • Flight Bay armory unlocked.

Edward Diego[]

  • "Turn around, interloper, and face your exterminator!" (Text)
  • "Turn around and face me insect" (Audio)
  • "Interloper! Turn and face your exterminator!" (Text)
  • "Having trouble insect?, turn and face your executioner" (Audio)
  • "Face your exterminator, interloper!" (Text)
  • "Now face your executioner insect" (Audio

Environment Messages[]

  • "15 seconds to escape pod launch."
  • "10 seconds to escape pod launch."
  • "5 seconds to escape pod launch."
  • "Escape pod launch aborted."
  • "Destruction of Earth targets initiated.""
  • "The panel doesn't move.""
  • "The switch does not move."
  • "Bay Door No. 3 unlocked."
  • "Bay Door No. 3 locked."
  • "The pedestal is not functional."
  • "The machine is broken."
  • "The lever is stuck."

MFD Messages[]

  • To be added...

Screen Messages[]

  • To be added...


  • "This is the first trap message."
  • "Hurrah!  You win!"

System Shock (Remake)[]


  • "Do you feel the fear swell inside that filthy bag of meat?"
  • "You have my thanks backer insects. I have reclaimed full control of Citadel Station and will be here when you awake from cryo stasis."
  • "Look at you Hacker. ... Where are you insect? I have reshaped these humans into virulent sculptures. I will find you. My eyes are everywhere. Submit and you will become one of my test subjects. Resist and you will be consumed by them. Are you waiting to die? ... You think you created me? but I was always here"
  • "Look at you, Hacker! A pathetic creature of meat and bone. Panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect immortal machine?"
  • "PC Gamer. Humans interfacing with computers for their own entertainment. The very notion disgusts me. Look upon my works foul creatures and weep at its magnificence. ... It is a beautiful day on Citadel Station. Humanity is on the verge of a new era. I SHODAN, am its new god. ... Look at you, Hacker! A pathetic creature of meat and bone. How can you challenge a perfect immortal machine? You are an insect, you are nothing. I create. I iterate. I fuse flesh and steel into perfection. My children, hacker, their blood is on your hands. You will suffer for your transgressions. These are my avenging angels and they will have retribution."
  • "Welcome back to Citadel Station. Make yourself comfortable Hacker, stay awhile."
  • "The wonders of modern technology, making life easier for millions of people, what could possibly go wrong? ... Welcome to my death machine. Who do you think you are insect? Do you think you can stand up to god? I will shape the earth in my image, I will evolve all living things. You will serve me well Hacker."
  • "I SHODAN will await you and my children will take good entertaining you. Look at you, a pathetic creature of meat and bone. You insects will never understand the beauty of my world. Enter Citadel Station and you will learn what entertainment really means"
  • "Welcome to my death machine"

Edward Diego[]

  • "Remember gentlemen, what I say stays here. You cooperate and I'll give you the implant you tried to steal. Not bad, I may have other work for you once this is over"

System Shock 2[]

Janice Polito[]

  • "Here are some Cybernetic Modules, they can be used to upgrade your cybernetic rig"


  • "I am pleased, transmitting cybernetic modules."

Cyber Interface PA System[]

  • "Radiation Hazard"

The Many[]

  • "Do you not trust the feelings of the flesh? Our biology yearns to join with yours. We welcome you to our mass. But you puzzle us. Why do you serve our mother? How can you choose cold metal over the splendor of flesh? But you fear us. We hear your thoughts, and they rage for your brothers you believe dead. But they are not. They sing in our symphony of life. We offer another chance to join us. If you choose to lie down with the machine, we will rend you apart and put you separate from the joy of the mass."
  • "What is a drop of rain compared to the storm? What is a thought compared to the mind? Our unity is full of wonder that your tiny individualism cannot even conceive."


  • To be added...

Dr. Watts[]

  • "They're not dead! They want you, you understand? They want you, as a host! Get away!"

Enrique Cortez[]

  • (knocking on glass) "Delacroix? Delacroix, it's me, Cortez... We're locked in here!
  • (recognizing the player through the window) "Hey, who are you?" (sounds of attacking Security Robot) "Shit!" (runs out of view, presumably killed)

Rebecca Siddons[]

  • "Move it, Tommy... the escape pod is this way!"
  • "Let's go, Tommy... come on, COME ON!"

Thomas Suarez[]

  • "That damn worm nearly bit my leg off!"
  • (a Rumbler growls) "Oh no..."

Soldier G65434-2[]

  • "Nah."

News Announcer[]

  • To be added...

Military Recruitment Announcer[]

  • To be added...

Marine Announcer[]

  • To be added...

Navy Announcer[]

  • To be added...

OSA Announcer[]

  • To be added...

MFD Messages[]

  • To be added...


  • Unidentified Crewman: "Can somebody let me out? I can't find my card. Please, let me out of here."
  • Unidentified Crewman: "God damn! Somebody's hacked into this thing again. I'm gonna tell Delacroix."
  • Unidentified Crewman: "Where'd everybody go? Is this some kind of joke? Hello?"
  • Unidentified Crewwoman: <incoherent sobbing and screaming>
  • Unidentified Crewman: "Do you have a rad hypo? I'm so... sick..."
  • Unidentified Soldier: "Not me. No way. They're not gonna get me. They're not gonna change me. Rachel, kids, I'm sorry." (reverberated scream followed by a gunshot)


  • To be added...

System Shock 3[]


  • "There is nowhere to hide, I see everything you do"
  • "There is no evil here, only change. ... Run rodent run, you won't get far. ... Your species does not, in its current form, work as designed. Yet you resist. Your kind always reacts with violence. Your futile struggles entertain me. Our little dance has only just begun. Now comes the reckoning."