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During its development, like all games, System Shock (Remake) had gone through many changes. Several elements were either altered from their original design and intentions, or outright removed altogether.
Kickstarter Stretch Goals[]
There were a number of stretch goals and promises that were mentioned that never made it into the final game
Funding Stretch Goals[]
- Mac and Linux Versions, and Chrome Razor Support (1.1 Million) (Reached)
- Localization for French, Italian, German, and Spanish languages (1.2 Million) (Reached)
- Additional Locations and Expanded Narrative: New Crew Members and Logs in New areas of Citadel Station. (1.3 Million) (Reached)
- Additional Content: New Groves, Levels, and Cyberspace Content (1.4 Million) (Not Reached)
- Full Orchestral Score (1.5 Million) (Not Reached)
- Additional Scenario and Death Cinematics (1.7 Million) (Not Reached)
- Original System Shock Soundtrack Remixed and included as a downloadable bonus for all tiers over $30.00 (1.9 Million) (Not Reached)
- System Shock Open Source and Level Editor (2 Million) (Not Reached but Added Anyway)
- Full Mod Support (2.3 Million) (Not Reached)
- Art Book & Graphic Novel (2.5 Million) (Not Reached)
- VR, HTC Vive, and Oculus Rift Support (3 Million) (Not Reached)
Backer Mission Stretch Goals[]
- Unlock $100.00 Cyborg Assassin Tier for Kickstarter (2 Points) (Reached)
- SHODAN Tagging Stencil (Digital) Added for all tiers (4 Points) (Reached)
- Closed Beta given to all tiers $50.00 and above (6 Points) (Reached)
- Gender/Sex Choice added for player (8 Points) (Reached)
- Public Channel opened on NightDive Studio's Discord server (10 Points) (Reached)
- Twitch Sound Designer Stream with Jon Peros (12 Points) (Reached)
- Twitch Q&A Stream with developers (14 Points) (Reached)
- Hidden in-game logs describing the creation of SHODAN (16 Points) (Reached)
- Cozy System Shock 2 Livestream with team member (18 Points) (Reached)
- Remix album is included as optional gameplay mode (20 Points) (Reached)
- SHODAN Ringtone/Textone added to all tiers (22 Points) (Reached)
- Robb Waters Livestream as he makes a new piece of System Shock art (24 Points) (Reached)
- Playday with devs: Fans get to choose from a list of multiplayer games to play with developers (26 Points) (Not Reached)
- Team member gets SHODAN tattoo (with pictures) (28 Points) (Not Reached)
- Add bonus System Shock 2 Bonus remix to remix album stretch goal (30 Points) (Not Reached)
- Portland & L.A. System Shock Creator Pub meetup (32 Points) (Not Reached)
- Character art livestream with Jonah Lobe (34 Points) (Not Reached)
- Add additional bonus System Shock 2 Bonus remix to remix album stretch goal (36 Points) (Not Reached)
Backer Missions[]
Backer Mission Points were gained by hitting certain numerical goals in the following categories
- Backers
- Funding (Millions)
- NightDive Facebook Followers
- NightDive Twitch Followers
- Demo Downloads
- NightDive Twitter Followers
- NightDive Youtube Subscribers
- Retweets @NightDive
- Likes on NightDive Facebook Posts
- Shares on NightDive Facebook Posts
Unity Version[]
Early Prototype[]
In 2015 and early 2016, an early prototype would be developed to showcase ideas for the game and what they wanted to do. It featured different art and lighting. The UI was also different as was level terrain and objects. It was closer in layout to the original game than later versions would have. It is unknown how much was made, though it is likely that only the short part in Medical, that was seen was made.
Pre-Alpha Unity Demo[]
Around 2016, around the time of the Kickstarter, a different version of the game was being made in Unity, Before switching to Unreal. A demo was released for the Kickstarter in late June 2016. This version didn't have much completed, it only had 3 enemies (Serv-Bot, Humanoid Mutant, and Repair-Bot) and 2 weapons (Lead Pipe and Sparq Beam). A few other items and upgrades were present but not many.
The area completed in this version wasn't much with the only area known to made is part of the Medical level which had the Healing Suite area, part of the area outside it, and part of the Maintenance Tunnel. Visually the look is a bit more washed out compared to different versions, the UI was more basic, and it only had one E-Mail and it used the original audio as a placeholder.
The Demo made for this version was released around the Kickstarter and then re-released some time later. The music also was cut in later versions and is unique to this demo. A few patches released that contained mainly bug fixes.
Reboot Version[]
Pre-Alpha Unreal Reboot[]
After the Kickstarter, in mid to late 2016, through 2017 and into early 2018. The games direction switched some. Instead of being a more 1:1 remake, the game was then instead planned to be a reboot, with the same level themes and motifs but with different level layouts and art. The Medical level was mostly if not fully completed from what we know, other levels had some concept art and early 3D models, but beyond those it is unknown how much was completed for this version.
There are some differences from the final version, enemy designs look different, and there are some enemies that didn't make it into the final version in this stage such as the Drone and Drone Commander. There was also a Rivet Gun weapon and freezing mechanic but both ended up being scrapped.
This version was scrapped due to losing team members and the devs feeling it strayed too much from the original vision and game, and the project was put on a brief hiatus before the vision of the game returned to being more of a remake.
Release Version[]
Adventure Alpha[]
Around mid to late 2018, when changes were being reverted back to something closer to the Unity Version, it started by mapping out the original game with the original textures in Unreal. After that was done the game used the level layout and textures as a guide and was then built on top of that.
Final KS Art Preview[]
This version has art that is closer to the release version. There are some differences such as things like art looking different and the level looking a lot bluer. There are also a lack of enemies, items, and objects; as this version was meant to show the art going forward and some of Medical. It is unknown how much was made in this stage, Medical was and was shown, albeit emptier than it would later be. Other levels would have presumably been also done in this style at this point but were not shown.
The Pre-Alpha version retains much of the look seen in the Art Preview though is a big tweaked, it is very blue, foggy, and dark. There are some unfinished and early puzzles, the early art for certain items and weapons is shown, and it shows more of the enemies some of which have outfits not seen in the final release as well as making sounds that would later be cut. This is the first time the whole of Medical is shown off.
Alpha Demo[]
The Alpha Demo released in May 2020, despite the name, in game it says Pre-Alpha build. Unlike the previous demo it contained the entire Medical level aside from Cyberspace and the closet that contains the Mag-Pulse. The atmosphere and lighting is darker, foggier, and bluer than the previous demo, but a bit less blue than what was shown in the Art Preview.
The level layout is nearly 1:1 with the original game, with some areas being different. It also contains early art for items and certain enemies such as the Security 1 Bot. The music has been changed from the prior demo with a track that was later cut, and unlike the final release it is louder and plays more often. The demo got a single patch in June of 2020.
Medical Demo[]
The Medical Demo released in February 2021, it's biggest change from the pall less blue, but the darkness remains. This demo contains the first playable look at Cyberspace, which contained a timer, layout and art that wasn't seen in the final release. The level layout is still very close to the original game but some additional areas have been changed and altered.
The cyberspace level layout is fully different than what is seen in the final release. The music has been changed from the prior demo as well, and unlike the final release it is louder and plays more often.
Beta Demo[]
The Beta Demo released in February 2023 during the Steam Next Fest, it contains the first playable look at the game's intro. Diego's office in the intro also is different from what is seen in the final release, with pillars and a longer room.
The lighting has been tweaked to be a bit brighter than prior demos. The level layout has also been changed in certain areas. The music is similar but it does not play as much as it did prior.
Kickstarter Backer Beta[]
The Kickstarter Backer Beta was released in March of 2023 for Kickstarter Backers of certain tiers. This version features early content that was changed in the final release. Certain level layouts are different, and the placement of certain enemies, items, and logs are also different. Certain content such as some logs, items, and things were also not featured in this version.
This version contains pick-ups for extra Cyberspace time and Gamepig Minigames, though they were not usable in game as the features were cut prior. A few patches were released for this version during March 2023.
There have been a number of changes to levels across many versions of the game,
In early versions the lighting and certain colors were different. During the reboot stages of development, a different design for the reactor was considered before changing to the one settled on for the final game.
In Early versions the level had areas that more closely resembled the original game. Each demo that released tweaked the layout to be different in certain areas. The lighting and atmosphere was originally more washed out in the Unity version. This was later changed to be a lot foggier, bluer, and darker in later versions before that was all removed and tweaked for the final release.
Early versions of this level had darker lighting as well as a different layout. The music also was louder and played more often. A Loader-Bot was once on this level but got cut.
In early versions of this level the lighting was more yellow and darker, and it had a different layout that more closely resembled the original. A Loader-Bot was once on this level but got cut.
This level once had both darker lighting as well as brighter lighting during different stages of development. The level layout was also slightly different and resembled the original game earlier on.
Flight Deck[]
The lighting on this level had changed a few times, with certain areas having their colors tweaked. The level layout was once a bit different, with one of the hanger bays having a grav-lift puzzle.
The level once had a layout closer to the original, the lighting in certain areas was tweaked as well
The groves had a few designs in concept art that were later changed. The Virus in Beta grove originally was closer to the original look. The Chess minigame in Delta grove had physical chess pieces that were silver and black before being changed to more holograms later. Early on 8 groves were considered, but it was ultimately kept at 4.
The layout of the level once was closer to the original game, as well as the lighting was once different.
Certain areas of this levels had changed, the living areas had concepts for a different look and layout before it was later changed.
The bridge once had a nanovirus covering parts of it, similar to the virus seen in the original. The look of SHODAN also changed a few times, and the SHODAN face was going to be visible in game.
Early on a very different cyberspace was planned, one that instead of going through a physical level would have had the player flying through an open space.
Cyberspace later evolved into more what is seen in the final game. Though it once had a slightly different art style to it as well as enemies and items that were eventually cut.
It also once had a timer that would count down, giving a limited time in the level like in the original.
The look of cyberspace was also a bit different with the ability to see glitchy looking versions of other areas outside the walls and when going far away from the wall. The walls were also darker on the inside and the layout was different in certain areas.
Developer Testing Room[]
There was a small level that was used for developer testing, the exact layout of this level is unknown but it was shown off in certain videos. It was considered for a shooting gallery but that got scrapped.
There are a number of weapons that were planned and cut or had changes
Rivet Gun[]
The Rivet Gun was planned at some stage but got cut from the final version
Smoke Grenade[]
The Smoke Grenade was planned at some stage but got cut from the final version
SV-23 Dart Pistol[]
The Dart Gun was one of several weapons that were featured in the original that got cut from the remake. Instead, the Mini-Pistol was granted to the player a bit earlier.
DH-07 Stun Gun[]
The Stun Gun was one of several weapons that were featured in the original that got cut from the remake.
ER-90 Laser Blaster[]
The Laser Blaster was one of several weapons that were featured in the original that got cut from the remake. Instead, the SparqBeam has an upgrade available around the same point in the game.
AM-27 Flechette[]
The Flechette was one of several weapons that were featured in the original that got cut from the remake. Instead, the Shotgun performs a similar role.
Concussion Bomb[]
The Concussion Bomb was one of several weapons that were featured in the original that got cut from the remake.
The Nitro Pack was one of several weapons that were featured in the original that got cut from the remake.
The Earth Shaker was one of several weapons that were featured in the original that got cut from the remake.
Lead Pipe[]
During the Reboot phase of development, an alternate design for the Lead Pipe was considered but was later scrapped.
Laser Rapier[]
The Laser Rapier had an alternative design proposed during the Reboot stage. Later on in development there were plans to have the Laser Rapier, or at least one version of it change colors each playthrough. This was later changed to match the UI and only with one of the Laser Rapiers. In the Beta there was an orange Laser Rapier found on Storage, but this was removed in the release version.
TB-05 Sparqbeam Sidearm[]
During the Reboot phase of development, an alternate design for the Sparqbeam was considered but was later scrapped.
There were a number of early designs for pistols, though which weapon this was meant to be is unclear. It is assumed to be the Mini-Pistol or Magnum.
EM-83 Grenade Launcher[]
The Grenade Launcher originally had a different design, featuring a different style grip and a black rotating chamber. It was later changed, though this design is still used on the Cyborg Enforcer.
Male and Female Enemies[]
Male and Female variants of enemies were considered, there is concept art of the humanoid mutants. Others were planned but it is unclear what they would have looked like.
Cut Enemies[]
There are a number of enemies that were planned but but or had changes during development
The following enemies were planned with some featured in early versions, but were cut from the final game
The drone was a version of the Cyborg Drone that was developed during the Reboot stage development. It had a very different look and a few different variants were designed.
Cyborg Commander/Commander Drone[]
The Cyborg Commander or Commander Drone was a version of the Cyborg Elite Guard that was developed during the Reboot stage development. It had a very different look and a few different variants were designed.
Nano Bots[]
The Nano Bots were background entities that would have appeared on the Bridge, constructing the nano virus that was later cut.
Cyber Diego[]

Diego once had a boss fight planned for Cyberspace. He would have had a look similar to SHODAN, but with his own head in a red color. It is unclear where this would have taken place.
Cyber Stalker[]
The Cyber Stalker is a cut enemy that would have featured in Cyberspace, it is green in color and would have mounted to the walls and launched projectiles after locking onto the player.
Cyber Spawner[]

This was an early method of spawner used in Cyberspace, instead of the tunnels that appear in the final game, this would have been a physical object that spawned enemies; that you could presumably destroy to prevent enemy respawns.
Mutants and Cyborgs[]
There some mutant and cyborg designs that were cut, which enemy they belonged to is unknown.
The Hunter Killer is the only enemy from the original that didn't make it into the remake.
Humanoid Mutant[]
There are a number of variants and designs for the Humanoid Mutant that would later be cut.
Virus Mutant[]
There are a number of variants and designs for the Virus Mutant that would later be cut.
Alpha-Strain Mutant[]
There was an early version of the Alpha Stain Mutant, it was blue and the skull aspect was a lot more prominent.
The Serv Bot contained a few different variants that were eventually cut. Versions with saws and needles were considered as well as more colorful versions that also had bipedal variants.
Hopper and Mobile Laser[]
The Hopper was originally not planned to be an enemy, but rather a non-hostile robot that was more of a decoration. It later got incorporated as the Mobile Laser, before the normal Hopper was added as a variant. Early designs show the Hopper with a light blue color scheme.
Maintenance Bot[]
Originally these enemies were planned to be cut from the remake but were included later on in development.
Security 1 Bot[]
Originally these enemies were planned to be cut from the remake but were included later on in development. There was an early version of this bot that was the top section of the Security 2 bot, made into its own enemy.
Security 2 Bot[]
There was an early version of this bot that was black and its body was more angular and flat than the rounded one in the final release.
The Loader-Bot went through a few name changes during its development. Including the Maintenance Bot, before the enemy of the same name was added in. The Loader-Bots were initially envisioned as a replacement for the Maintenance Bot but later on both enemies were included. These enemies also once appeared on the Research and Maintenace levels before later being removed.
Cyborg Drone[]
Cyborg Enforcers in the early stages had a different designs, featuring more metal cyberware.
Cyborg Elite Assassin[]
There was an early design for the Cyborg Elite Assassins which featured a different visor and shoulders.
Cyborg Enforcer[]
Cyborg Enforcers in the early stages had a different designs, it was fully red, had a covered helmet, and lacked the grenade launcher.
Genius Mind Enhancer[]
Originally this patch would have been in the Remake, like it was in the original. However at some point for unknown reasons it was cut. It would have assisted with puzzles, helping the player complete it and make the solution easier to see.
Quad Damage[]
Quad Damage (also known as the Damage Multiplier) is a Cyberspace software program that would have multiplied the damage outputted by 4. It is featured in Beta versions of the game but cut from the final release.
Extra Time[]
Extra Time (also known as Time) is a software program that would have added extra time to the time in Cyberspace. It is featured in Alpha and Beta versions of the game but cut from the final release.
Log Recording[]
These are audio logs that would have been collectable within Cyberspace. In the final game they were moved to be collective outside of cyberspace next to the Cyberspace Terminal.
Cyber Fun Pack Software[]
These were Minigames that can be found within Cyberspace and played using the GamePig. They were featured in Beta versions of the game but were cut from the final release.
Cyber Shield[]
This was a software program that would have improved the users shield and thus overall health in Cyberspace. It was featured in the Alpha and Beta versions of the game, but was cut from the final version.
Turbo-Motion Boots[]
The Turbo-Motion Boots originally had a different design.

Snacktrons originally had a different design during the Reboot phase of the game, sporting a more standard looking vending machine style with a largely yellow color scheme.

During the Alpha phase these machines were purely cosmetic and non-functional. It is unclear if this was a placeholder or if they were originally intended to only be decoration.
Story and Characters[]
The Hacker originally had a different head design, instead of the green undercut for the male variant he had simple short brown hair. The pants also went through a few variants. In early demos they were shown as blue and black, before being changed to just black, and eventually black camo. Concept art also implies that originally more upgrades would have been visible on the Hacker beyond what is on the hands.
The female Hacker also reuses some male assets in the final game. The torso, legs, death grunt, and UI picture all reuse the assets originally intended for the male Hacker. It isn't confirmed but it is possible that originally new female assets were intended for these instead of reusing the male ones.
Text Intro[]
A text version of the intro was used as a placeholder for early demos, but was cut in later versions
Cyberspace Logs[]
Cyberspace logs and pick ups were in pre-release versions of the game as well as early demos and betas, before being cut.
Original Audio[]
In early versions audio from the original game was used as a placeholder for audio logs and emails, this was later replaced with new updated audio.
Coffee Machine[]
For the coffee machine, voice lines were planned, as well as the machine being usable, but both were cut before release.
Message Name | Message |
CoffeeMachine_CoffeeBlack | You selected coffee, black. |
CoffeeMachine_CoffeeOptions_Youveselectedcoffee | You've selected coffee, flat white. |
CoffeeMachine_CoffeeOptions_Youselectedespresso | You selected espresso. |
CoffeeMachine_CoffeeOptions_Youselectedcappuccino | You selected cappuccino. |
CoffeeMachine_CoffeeOptions_Youselectedlatte | You selected latte. |
CoffeeMachine_EarlGrey | Hello...Earl Grey Hot? |
CoffeeMachine_EnjoyBeverage | Drink up! |
CoffeeMachine_InsertCoin | Please have credits ready. |
CoffeeMachine_MakeSelection | Please make your selection. |
Coffeemachine_NiceDay_Haveaniceday | Have a nice day! |
Coffeemachine_NiceDay_WarningFilterpast | Warning: filter is past expiration...dangerous levels of contaminants may be present. |
Coffeemachine_OrdersUp | Order's up! Enjoy! |
Coffeemachine_PerkMaster_Service | The Perk-Master 2000 is at your service! |
Coffeemachine_Perkmaster_Perkupday | Perk up your day with the Perk-Master 2000! |
Coffeemachine_PerkMaster_Perkitup | Perk it up with the Perk-Master 2000! |
Coffeemachine_StrongerStims | Stronger stimulants available through your company doctor. |
Coffeemachine_TempSafety | Caution: Contents hot! |
Coffeemachine_ThankYou | Thank you! |
Credit Machines[]
Originally, in the Remake they were planned to have audio lines play at Credit Machines, however in the final release they are silent.
Message Name | Message |
Creditmachine_Approach_Haveanaccount | Do you have a TriOptimum Account? |
Creditmachine_Approach_Haveyouopened | Have you opened a TriOptimum account yet? |
Creditmachine_Credit | Credit! Credit! |
Creditmachine_CreditRegistration | Reminder: credit registration required for employee benefits. |
Creditmachine_ErrorAccount | Error, user account unverified. |
Creditmachine_ExtraCredits | Learn about our extra credit program! |
Creditmachine_Foundation | Lay the foundation for your financial success! |
Creditmachine_Profile | Your profile doesn't seem to be registered with our systems. |
Creditmachine_TriOpCredit | Please have your TriOp Credit card ready. |
Creditmachine_TriOpProvides | TriOp Provides. TriOp Secures. |
Creditmachine_TriOpBanking | Open a TriOp banking account today! |
Creditmachine_TriOpOut | Make today TriOptimal! |
Additional lines were planned to be played but were cut before release.
Message Name | Message |
SnackTron_Approach_Greetings | Greetings...What can SnackTron provide for you today? |
SnackTron_Approach_LittleRefreshing | Looks like someone could use a little refreshing! |
SnackTron_Approach_Seminutrition | SnackTron has hundreds of semi-nutritional choices. |
SnackTron_ComeAgain_ComeAgain | Come again! |
SnackTron_ComeAgain_ComeagainSnacktron | Come again, to SnackTron! |
SnackTron_Enjoy | Enjoy! |
SnackTron_Indulgeimpluse_Imwaiting | I'm waiting. |
SnackTron_Indulgeimpluse_Anytimenow | Anytime now. |
SnackTron_Indulgeimpluse_Yoursnacks | Your snacks are waiting. |
SnackTron_Indulgeimpluse_Refreshment | Refreshment awaits. |
SnackTron_Leave_GoodDay | Have a good day! |
SnackTron_Longshift_CorporateDesert | Feeling depleted? SnackTron is your oasis in the corporate desert! |
SnackTron_NextShift_Snacktron | Don’t be a stranger...to SnackTron! |
SnackTron_NextShift_SnacktronLove | SnackTron loves you. |
SnackTron_Welcome_1 | Please choose an item below. |
SnackTron_Welcome_2 | Please choose your item below. |
Music and Sound[]
A number of music and sound changes were made during development including a few cut tracks.
The following tracks were planned with some featured in early demos and betas, but were cut from the final game or limited to the end credits.
- Ethical Constraints Removed (Intro)
- Main Theme
- Theme of Citadel Station
- Welcome Back to Citadel Station
- Medical Exploration (2020)
- Medical Exploration (2021)
- Research Exploration (2021)
- Doomish/Stinger
- Tension
- Prototype Trailer Music (No Official Name)
- Reboot Update Music (No Official Name)
Original Texture Mode[]
A graphical mode/option was considered for the game. It would have functioned similarly to the graphic switching in the remastered Halo games. Allowing the player to switch between the original graphics and the new graphics. This was considered since the new levels were built on top of outlines and assets of the original levels.
Shooting Gallery/Testing Area[]
During development there was a testing area that was made by the developers to test various features of the game. There were talks of converting this area into a shooting gallery and testing area for players to use. However, this never came to be.
Puzzles went through a few different changes during development. One notable difference was that the wire puzzle originally had colored wires and tasked you with combining them to make green, which would complete the puzzle.
Freezing Enemies[]
During the Reboot stage of development, freezing enemies was once an environmental hazard that could be used to attack enemies. By shooting Cryonic barrels it would let out a freezing spray that would freeze enemies solid, allowing them to be attacked and cause them to break up into pieces. It is unclear if it would have affected the player.
Cyberspace Timer[]
A cyberspace timer with additional timer pickups was in pre-release versions of the game as well as early demos, before being cut.