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~ System Shock Kickstarter
The Cyborg Drone is an enemy encountered in System Shock (Remake).
Cyborg Drones are former crew who have been augmented into cyborgs.
Tactical Analysis[]
The most basic cyborg enemy, the drone is unarmored and armed with a SparqBeam sidearm. Not very dangerous individually unless the player isn't paying attention and gets surprised by one. They are in constant vocal communication with SHODAN, so the player is almost always sure to hear them before they see them. Alternatively, cyborgs give off a distinctive red glow due to their signature implants. If you can not see the drone itself, firing at that red glare is a good chance to hit them.
These drones usually fire their sparqbeam in single shots, burst of two or three shots, or a prolonged burst of five to six shots. Unlike the player, they do not suffer from overheat and as such will keep firing if left unchecked. Just like with robots, once a cyborg starts firing it's burst, it will finish it, so peeking out of cover and back, waiting out the burst, then punishing it with precision fire is a valid tactic.
The high volume of fire the drones may deliver is prone to create friendly fire incidents when fighting multiple enemies. It might be worthwhile to position yourself behind other enemies to serve as meat shields.
The cyborg drone is also vulnerable to flinching if hit with enough damage. Shooting them with the magnum, or power-bashing them in the head will prevent the drone from firing it's weapon for a moment.
Overall Strategy[]
Unlike robotic enemies, cybernetic enemies do have a noticeable delay in reaction time, which can allow a quick player to surprise and wipe out a cybernetic enemy face to face with ease, given deliberate and aggressive action. Being unarmored and possessing a low health pool, these enemies will be taken out with a single application of many weapons, allowing the player a wide variety of approaches. The important part is to immediately destroy the cyborg, before it gets a chance to react.
Also unlike robotic enemies, cyborg drones do have a tendency to miss a fast moving, strafing target. It's still preferable to take cover rather than attempt to dodge gunfire, but at long range, it may be possible to simply run through an area guarded by drones without engaging in combat at all while remaining unharmed.
Their sidearms are worth 4 credits a piece in the recycler and they have a tendency to drop small amounts of 9mm ammo and medipatches. "Investing" in killing these drones with 9mm ammo is an acceptable trade-off, but using the sparq beam remains the efficient solution.
Cut Content[]
The following was planned to be in the game during development but was changed or cut upon final release.
- Variants with a metal shoulder, similar to the design in the original game.
- A version with a completely different design and less armored look, using a different name of just 'Drone'.