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System Shock Wiki
System Shock Wiki
For the enemy in the Remake, see Autobomb (System Shock Remake).

Enemy Stats
First Encounter Level R - Reactor
Most Common Level 9 - Bridge
Preferred Weapon Frag Grenade
Minipistol (Teflon Rounds)
Primary Attack Proximity Detonation
Damage (per Hit) 200
Attack Range 1
Hit Points 50
Armor Value 40
Defense Value 1
Disruptability 50%
Perception Medium
Loot nothing (100%)

The Autobomb is an enemy encountered in System Shock.


The Autobombs are most commonly encountered on the Citadel Station's Bridge and can be extremely dangerous. They move fast, explode when they get close, and can easily kill you unless you're at full health.


There is a chute on Engineering Level where Autobombs are produced - whenever one of them explodes, a new one appears. Don't waste ammo there, because no matter how many you destroy, there will always be more.

A large maze on the Bridge is also filled with endlessly-reappearing Autobombs. Some will need to be destroyed to reach the force door controls, but trying to exterminate them all is fruitless. Move quickly and do not linger.

Using Energy/Projectile Shield in Autobomb-ridden places is almost a must.

The Sensaround Multi-View Unit (version 2 or higher recommended) is particularly helpful in an area where Autobombs lurk, especially where one might appear behind you. Because the Autobombs make no noise and their only attack is explosion, the only effective defense against them is prevention. Fortunately, their large, bright red blinking sensors make that trivial, even in a dark environment.

Alternatively, live Land Mines could be used if they are expected.

Minipistol loaded with teflon rounds or slightly stronger one-shot weapons are recommended against them.

