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System Shock Wiki
Annelid Psi Organ
Type Regeneration
Research Object
First Found Hydroponics Deck (potential loot)
Dropped by Grub Egg (5%)
Swarm Egg (5%)
Toxic Egg (5%)
Researchable Yes, Research skill: 1
Research Time 18:20 (max)
Chemicals Needed Y @ 22,7%,
Ga @ 63,7%
Stackable Yes
Recycleable No
Transmutative Yes
Duplicative No
Summon Code annelid_psipatch

The Annelid Psi Organ restores 100 Psi Points (or a very surprising 120 Psi Points with Pharmo-Friendly O/S Upgrade, which shouldn't affect this alien organ at all). Restoration is immediate. The organ can be found inside Grub, Swarm and Toxic Eggs before their destruction. The whitish organ is stiff and rubbery, with a feel of crystals shifting when you squeeze it. Requires Research before use.

Researching this item requires Research skill level 1. Both Gallium (Ga) and Yttrium (Y) are required in the process.

This gland produces a potent cocktail of psychoactive and adrenal hormones that acts to rejuvenate and enervate neural tissue. In addition to standard (and somewhat unusual) biological compounds, the gland also appears to secrete small amounts of semi-physical psychocreative energy. While this gland can be used to restore psionic potential, the danger inherent in consuming alien psychocreative energies suggests that this should only be done in emergencies.


  • The player should not start consuming the rare Annelid Psi Organs until the target Psi stat and Psi Tiers are obtained.
  • For maximum efficiency, the player should save his/her Annelid Psi Organs until his/her Psi stat has reached a high level. In addition, the organ should only be consumed when Psi Points bar has been almost/totally depleted.
  • Full restoration with Pharmo-Friendly is only taken advantage of on Easy difficulty while having very high maximum Psi Points. Namely, the player needs to have at least PSI 5 with all Psi Tiers bought, or PSI 6 with some Psi tiers bought - and also very low on Psi Points beforehand.


  • This item can be studied without learning any Research skill if a charged LabAssistant™ Implant is equipped.
    • Moreover, it is possible to analyze the item at the speed of Research skill level 2, while it's still at level 0!
      This trick is performed by equipping the LabAssistant™, starting the research and then unequipping the Implant. Furthermore, the Implant's energy storage will not be consumed if the trick is done fast enough.
